Saturday 17 August 2013

Top signs of alcohol addiction:

 Yes, life is stressful these days. And a growing trend is reflecting how the working executives are handling the stress of everyday life.

Several corporates are choosing to deal with the tension of workplace by heading to pubs on a more than regular basis. Friday nights have turned to drinking nights for office goers and grabbing a beer on weekdays is not a big deal. Sound familiar? It is important to recognize the signs of alcohol addition and pull the plug before it turns into a full blown addiction.
Health Tips - Top signs of alcohol addiction

Top signs of alcohol addiction
  • 1. You need a drink every time and the time of day does not matter. You have no power over how much alcohol you consume.
  • 2. You wake up looking for a drink. It may seem unrealistic but alcoholics will have and prefer to have a drink in the morning.
  • 3. You drink to get back to the feeling of high. This feeling makes you forget reality but eventually you need to realise you can't run from your problems.
  • 4. You experience withdrawal symptoms associated with addiction like sweating, shivering, loss of taste and you experience frustration.
  • 5. Your dependence on alcohol cuts you out from daily activities and socializing.
  • 6. It's an addiction when people who love you can see your fall from glory. When your friends see the road to destruction or your friends isolate you, then you need to step back and ascertain the course your life has taken.
  • 7. You will also experience weight loss and digestive problems.
  • Alcohol addiction has destroyed families and even lead to bankruptcy. But there is no harm in having alcohol occasionally if you know your limit and remember to drink responsibly.


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