Saturday 17 August 2013

Health benefits of meditation :

Meditation is highest relaxed state of Body and Mind. The moment we enter into meditation, every muscle, cell, and nervous system start relaxing. Hence, stress starts draining out gradually.

Relaxation and Freedom from stress brings strong circulation to every cell. Thus eliminating and releasing all the toxic depositions, unwanted foreign substances. It brings fresh oxygen and nourishment to that part resulting in Regeneration and Health.
 Excellent Health  Tips - Health benefits of meditation

When meditation becomes regular habit unconsciously, we remain calm, peaceful, non-reactive, relaxed, well tolerated, self-controlled and more aware which results in more productive, creative, magnetic and focused personality.

In the relaxed state of Body and Mind, blood pressure naturally goes down to normal state, hormonal secretions becomes more active. Hence, sugar also comes down to normal range.

All the functions of the body improve tremendously, increasing true hunger, digestion circulation, elimination, oxygenation etc, eventually leading to good health.

Meditation brings such a great relaxation that our Aura (Electro Magnetic Field) and Chakras (The 7 Energy Junctions) start drawing more and more Prana Energy i.e. the Vital Force from the universe, which is the key factor of longevity, recovery and fastest healing.

Meditation makes our Aura stronger (a strong energy force) which protects us from all sources of negative forces, bacteria, radiation, geopathic stress, planetary effects, vastu defects, environmental hazards, pollution, etc. it may sound strange but true that a strong aura can permanently protect you from accidents. A meditative person is always in a strong energy cocoon (strong protective shield).

A meditative person is so stronger in his Aura that wherever he goes his strong force of energy (The Aura) influences all the things and people around him very positively. Thus changing all the negativity into positivity.

There are unlimited physical benefits of meditation one can experience all these benefits. By immediately, deciding to sit and meditate at least for 15 minutes every day to begin with. Then it can be extended according to one's personal time management. Meditation must become a habit to make relaxation a habit.

(Data Courtesy: Dr. N.K. Sharma, a veteran Naturopath and Founder of Reiki Healing Foundation (RHF), world's largest organization in the field of Reiki Healing & Mystic Sciences)


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