Saturday 17 August 2013

Get glowing skin without expensive treatments :

One of the most common aspirations of women across the globe, irrespective of nationality, race, age or religion is to have healthy, glowing skin.

And if you haven't been genetically blessed like a few lucky women, here's what you need to do and religiously follow the regimen...
Natural Beauty Tips - glowing skin without expensive

Drink up
We mean water. One of the best things you can do for your skin is to keep it well hydrated. Make it a habit to keep sipping on water. Water has minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, iodine, copper and iron which remove toxins from your body and make your skin glow.

Exercising not only helps you lose weight but also makes your skin glow because it reduces stress levels. Working out also increases production of natural oils in your skin making it healthy. When you exercise and sweat, toxins which block pores are removed. This also leads to fewer pimples.

Exfoliate often
Dead skin cells accumulate on your body and over time cause dryness and dullness. This is why exfoliating your skin every couple of days is essential. There are a range of body and face scrubs available in the market for different skin types — select one accordingly.

Get enough sleep
If you think you can get through sleeping just five to six hours every night, you're only setting yourself up foe premature skin ageing. Sleep at least eight hours daily so that your body gets enough time to repair itself.

Keep your skin hydrated and well moisturised at all times. Make it a habit to apply moisturiser as soon as you wash your face — this way it is absorbed better and protects your skin's elasticity.

Use sunscreen
No matter what,sunscreen should be a mandatory part of your skincare regime. Too much sun exposure causes tanning, dark spots, wrinkles and dullness. A sunscreen with a SPF 30 is apt for our climate.


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