Tuesday 20 August 2013

Ways to beat the body clock:

So, you know that your metabolism is all set to dip as you hit 30. Here's how to beat the body clock

If you are anywhere near that dreaded number called 30, you've probably already been given all sorts of warnings, so far as at least weight loss is concerned. Well-meaning friends would have told you that once you cross that milestone, your body just won't co-operate when it comes to shedding the extra kilos. They may have a point.

While researchers believe that the body's metabolic rate remains the same through adulthood, as you age your physical activity reduces — no more playing with friends after reaching home, Sunday mornings become the perfect time to catch up on the week's lost sleep instead of going out for a cricket/football match. This ends up reducing your body's muscle mass. Besides this, the body tends to hold onto additional fat, thus reducing the body's Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).
Beauty tips - Ways to beat the body clock

A vicious combination of a lower BMR and decrease in muscle mass means that your body is burning fewer calories on a daily basis, making it tough to shed the extra flab, especially since your appetite doesn't take a hike. But you can beat the clock, here's how:

Be a sunshine person
Getting your blood flowing and pumping first thing in the morning, is a good way to wake up your body. Studies have shown that even a 10-minute intense exercise immediately after waking up is enough to provide your body with enough energy for the day. This doesn't mean that you hit the gym soon after brushing your teeth, but you could do spot workouts at home such as jogging, skipping ropes or even climbing the stairs of your building. As long as these workouts are intense and build up a good sweat, you are good to go for the rest of the day.

Visit your endocrinologist

Get regular check-ups done to ensure that your thyroid gland is running effectively. Including selenium, zinc, copper and iodine — all known to boost the thyroid gland — in your daily diet. The thyroid gland (endocrine gland) is responsible for the body's hormonal balance. The thyroid hormone regulates the body's metabolic rate and is associated with body weight and energy levels.

Build the muscles
The morning walk may keep you fresh through the day. But if you've wondered why it's not helping shed the flab, you just got your answer. Combat the decreased muscle mass with a regular weight training.

If hitting the gym is not an option, don't fret. Bottles filled with water, dictionaries are good substitutes for weights. Do your sets with these, as you would with dumbbells. Use these to build your arm and back muscles.

Work with your metabolism

Ever tried to swim against the ocean tide? It's just not possible. Why then would you work against your metabolism?

For every human, the metabolism is at its highest in the morning and wanes through the day. Thus, to help your body burn the maximum calories eat a good breakfast and take it easy on the mid-night snacking. Overeating at dinner-time is also a 'no-no'.

At night when we sleep, the body burns lesser calories. Sleeping on a full stomach only means that it is stored up as fat. Nutritionists suggest having your last meal at least three hours before hitting the bed.

Don't crash diet
You want to shed the post-30 flab and what could be better than choosing from one of the several diets floating on the Internet? Right? Wrong.

Crash diets — the ones that put you on very low-cal meals — have a direct effect on your body's metabolism. The body, thinking that it's going to be starved for a long time to come, goes into starvation mode, burning fewer calories than it would. Your metabolism slows down. And it's unlikely that you will lose much weight. Worse, when you get back to your regular calorie intake, you will put on more weight as your body is functioning on the same metabolic rate. Instead, consult a nutritionist to help you make healthier choices.


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